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Organizing Committee of Harbin International Economic and Trade Fai
International Expo Development and Promotion Center of Heilongjiang Province

Address: No.35 Meishun St., Nangang Dist., Harbin, China
Post Code:150090
Contacts: Ms. Bai Yifan
Tel: +86-451-82340100
Fax: +86-451-82345874, 82340226
Website: www.chtf.org.cn
E-mail: chn@gjcjzx.org.cn

International Expo Development and Promotion Center of Heilongjiang Province
Address: No. 35 Meishun St., Nangang Dist., Harbin China 150090
Tel: +86-451-82340100
Fax: +86-451-82345874  82340226
E-mail: chn@gjcjzx.org.cn
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